In Bradenton and the whole State of Florida, driving under the influence is seen as a serious crime, as you are potentially putting every single road user and pedestrian nearby in severe danger. The alcohol consumed dramatically decreases reaction times, limits vision, and makes you much less focused on your surroundings. This can lead to a catastrophic accident, which is dangerous for you, any passengers you may have, and the other vehicles and people around you. If you were also speeding whilst drunk driving, it is possible that the collision could result in a fatality.
If you have unintentionally and unwillingly caused a death whilst driving under the influence, then you will likely be facing DUI manslaughter charges and should contact our law firm immediately. Your best chance at avoiding a conviction or the harshest penalties will be with an experienced criminal defense lawyer fighting on your behalf. At The Law Place, our Bradenton DUI lawyers have over 75 years of combined experience dealing with the Bradenton legal system and successfully winning DUI cases for their clients. Our law firm offers free, no-obligation consultations for all prospective clients to give you the chance to talk through the details of your case and receive sound legal advice from a skilled attorney. So, contact us now to schedule your free case evaluation. Call today at (941) 444-4444!
What Does the Law in Bradenton Say About Driving Under the Influence?
In Bradenton, drinking and driving itself isn’t a crime. However, driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) that is above 0.08% is illegal, and you will be charged for DUI if caught by law enforcement. In Bradenton, you will face serious DUI charges whether you caused property damage and injured someone or not.
You will also face DUI charges if you were caught driving under the influence of illegal drugs, such as cannabis and some prescription drugs. It can be very difficult to determine if a driver was driving under the influence of drugs, but an investigation will take place if a police officer has a valid reason to suspect this.
If law enforcement discovers that a driver who caused a fatal accident was under the influence at the time, then the penalties that the driver faces will drastically increase. Because of this, it is even more essential that drivers charged with DUI manslaughter get in touch with an established Bradenton DUI attorney.

What Are the Different Types of Manslaughter in Bradenton, FL?
Manslaughter cases are divided into two categories under Bradenton law. The penalties that you will face partly depend on which category of manslaughter your charge falls under. These penalties become more severe if you committed them while intoxicated. The two categories are listed below:
- Involuntary manslaughter – This is the act of involuntarily committing a homicide due to committing either criminal negligence or a low-level criminal act, usually a misdemeanor.
- Voluntary manslaughter – This is a homicide that was committed as a result of provocation and happened under circumstances where the offender was so emotionally or mentally disturbed that they couldn’t control their emotions.
DUI manslaughter is an example of involuntary manslaughter, as you were committing a DUI, which is usually classed as a misdemeanor by itself, and because you had no intention to hurt anyone, even if you were drunk driving.
We strongly advise you to contact an experienced attorney if you are facing any DUI charges, especially if you have been charged with DUI manslaughter. The consequences can be lifelong, so enlisting the help of an experienced and highly-qualified DUI lawyer who can represent you in court and fight on your behalf could prove to be crucial. The criminal defense lawyers at The Law Place will be able to guide and support you throughout this confusing and scary process, and you can trust that they will work tirelessly to secure the best possible result for you. So contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

What Are the Different DUI Manslaughter Charges I Could Face in Bradenton?
All criminal charges can bring with them severe penalties, and DUI manslaughter charges are no exception. However, as there are different types of manslaughter, each specific case can lead to the driver facing completely different penalties. The penalties you face will depend almost entirely on the circumstances surrounding your particular situation, including how high your BAC was, whether you had consumed illegal substances, the specifics of your arrest, and more.
In Bradenton, FL., DUI manslaughter charges are split into separate categories, which will carry different penalties.
- Ordinary negligence – This is where a defendant has only briefly been negligent, such as by violating a traffic law. For example, looking down at your phone, causing a fatal accident. This is only ordinary negligence, as the driver did not massively violate a very important traffic law.
- Gross negligence – This is more serious than ordinary negligence, as it’s where a driver was acting extremely negligently and driving recklessly, which ultimately caused the accident. An example of this is the driver driving up the sidewalk because they were so heavily intoxicated and running over pedestrians.
We understand how frightening and confusing it will be for you if you’ve been charged with DUI manslaughter. A skilled attorney would be able to advise and support you through the experience and ensure you are well-informed about the process and all your options. Our Bradenton-based lawyers possess the knowledge and experience that’s necessary to successfully fight your charges on your behalf.

What Is a Felony?
Criminal offenses in Bradenton are divided into two separate categories: misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are low-level crimes that are much less serious than felony crimes. Therefore, misdemeanor charges will face much less severe penalties than a felony charge. Unfortunately, as DUI manslaughter is so serious, it is classed as a felony charge.
DUI manslaughter is usually a second-degree felony, which is the second-highest felony you can be charged with in the State of Florida. However, if you refuse to offer any information to help move the case forward, the charge you face may be increased to a first-degree felony, which will ultimately result in harsher penalties.
Because of how severe a DUI manslaughter charge is, only the most skilled prosecutors will deal with your case. This, paired with how harsh the penalties you could potentially face are, means you must contact a qualified and experienced DUI lawyer as soon as possible. A Bradenton DUI attorney from The Law Place would be able to build a strong defense against the evidence that the prosecution will argue and ensure that your case is won. So, if you have been charged with DUI manslaughter, then you should call our law firm today to book a free consultation with one of our criminal defense lawyers.

What Penalties Might You Face for Committing DUI Manslaughter in Bradenton, FL?
The penalties you will be facing for a DUI manslaughter charge will be based on the specific circumstances surrounding your case. However, there are some common penalties that you will mostly like face if you’re convicted of DUI manslaughter in Bradenton.
- Up to $10,000 in fines.
- License suspension or license revocation.
- Community service.
- DUI substance abuse school.
- Vehicle impoundment.
- Up to 15 years in prison.
These penalties can be life-changing. Even after you have completed these penalties, your criminal record will be permanently marred, which can restrict your ability to obtain employment, loans, housing, and more. In order to avoid these severe consequences, it’s essential that you get in touch with a skilled DUI attorney who is experienced in fighting DUI charges and representing clients in court. So, call The Law Place now for a free consultation and a chance to receive valuable support and guidance from a DUI lawyer.
Getting a Hardship License in Bradenton After Being Convicted of DUI Manslaughter
If you are convicted of DUI manslaughter, then you will likely have your license permanently revoked. However, you would still be allowed to obtain a hardship license under strict conditions.
A hardship license allows someone who has been convicted of DUI or a similar driving offense to drive for essential purposes only. These can include commuting to work, taking their children to school, and driving to medical appointments.
To be able to apply for a hardship license after a DUI manslaughter conviction, you need to follow the conditions that are set out by the state, as listed below:
- You haven’t driven at all for the past five years before applying for the hardship license.
- You have abstained from consuming any alcohol and/or drugs for the past five years before applying for the hardship license.
- You were not arrested for driving whilst your license was revoked for the five years before applying for the hardship license.
- If you were permitted to drive a vehicle, you had an ignition interlock device installed and maintained it for the last two years.
- You have completed a state-approved DUI educational program and submitted to the testing that was required. You should remain supervised under the program for the entire hardship period and be willing to get tested for alcohol and/or drugs at any stage.
If any of these conditions are not met, then the hardship licenses can be revoked.
Why You Deserve Support Following a DUI Manslaughter Arrest
If you have been charged with DUI manslaughter, then you may be feeling a huge amount of guilt and remorse. You may also feel as though you don’t deserve proficient legal aid. However, not only is this your right, but when these tragic events occur, often it is a complete mistake, and the driver never intended to cause harm or even thought it was a possibility. In fact, many of the DUI manslaughter cases that our lawyers have worked with were committed by drivers who had never faced criminal charges before.
Unfortunately, judges in Bradenton do not always take this into account, giving defendants lengthy prison sentences and other harsh penalties. Therefore, if you are facing a DUI manslaughter charge, you will require the help of one of our criminal defense attorneys. They will build a strong defense against the prosecution’s argument to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome. Contact The Law Place today to speak to lawyers who understand and want to help you.
How Could a Lawyer Defend You in Court in Bradenton, FL?
When you’re facing a conviction for a crime as serious as DUI manslaughter, it’s crucial that you hire a criminal defense attorney who has experience navigating the Bradenton legal system. The better your attorney is, the more likely it is that your defense will work.
If you have been pulled over by a police officer, they must have probable cause, as is stated in Florida Statute 901.15. For example, this could be that the officer had a reasonable suspicion that the driver was about to commit a traffic violation. If the police can’t prove that they had probable cause to pull your over, then your attorney can get the court to dismiss your case.
Furthermore, if the police didn’t follow standardized practice when they pulled you over, then your defense lawyer may also be able to get your DUI charge dismissed.
A final common defense used by defense attorneys is concerning the breathalyzer test. The device used for this test requires strict maintenance, and if the prosecution can’t prove that the device the officer used was up to standard, then your case may be dismissed, or at the very least, reduced.
The DUI lawyers at The Law Place have each spent decades successfully fighting on behalf of their clients against their DUI cases. They thoroughly understand all possible defenses that they could tailor to and use against your DUI charge and will be well-equipped to represent you in court, fighting to win your case.
If You’ve Been Charged With DUI Manslaughter, Contact The Law Place Today!
At The Law Place, our DUI defense lawyers possess the skill and experience that is required to help you win your case, no matter how damning the evidence may appear to be. Our Bradenton DUI defense attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case and build a defense on your behalf. You can trust that our lawyers will give you the best chance at securing a favorable outcome.
Our phone lines are manned 24/7, so don’t hesitate; call us for help now. The Law Place offers a free consultation, so call us to schedule one today at (941) 444-4444!