In the event that you have been charged for driving with your license suspended, then it is imperative that you take responsibility for your actions – as this will ultimately reflect well on your character and show the court that you are taking these charges seriously. The next smartest move to make is to get in contact with a reputable law firm like The Law Place.
We have witnessed many drivers who fail to realize the serious nature of a conviction for driving while their license is suspended. It is also possible to be charged for driving while your license is suspended without knowledge, which is classed as a non-criminal offense. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) can still use this information to suspend your driver’s license for up to 5 years if you are convicted or if you have previous DUI charges on your criminal history record within the past 5 years. Nevertheless, it is always better to get in contact with a Bradenton criminal defense attorney before attempting to resolve a driving with your license suspended charge in Bradenton.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of collective experience when it comes to fighting traffic-related offenses, such as driving under the influence (DUI), reckless driving, car accidents, driving with a suspended or revoked license, and many others. We have the necessary knowledge to tackle your charges and achieve a reasonable outcome for your case.
If you are facing charges for driving while your license is suspended, then we highly recommend that you speak to a criminal defense attorney from The Law Place. We consider the attorney-client relationship to be the greatest priority in every case, and any piece of information that you share with us will be held in confidence.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with The Law Place today to schedule a free consultation, in which a criminal defense attorney will discuss the details of your case, explain the process and offer you an honest piece of legal advice on how to best handle your situation. Our phone lines are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 to set up a free case evaluation, and we will fight your driving while license suspended charges together in Bradenton County.
Penalties for Driving While License Is Suspended in Bradenton, FL.
It is crucial that you speak to a criminal defense attorney from The Law Place as soon as you have received a charge for driving while your license is suspended in Bradenton. Our dedicated team of attorneys has had the privilege of assisting many clients who are facing the same charges that you are now facing, and we always work hard to reduce the severity of the consequences our clients face.
Florida Statute 322.34 states the penalties for driving while your license is suspended in the State of Florida:
- First Offense – If you are facing your first offense for driving while your license is suspended, and you had full knowledge that your license was suspended, then you could receive a fine of up to $500 and spend up to 60 days in county jail.
- Second Offense – If you are facing your second offense for driving while your license is suspended, then you could be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor. The penalties include receiving a fine and spending up to one year in county jail.
- Third Offense – If you are facing your third offense for driving while your license is suspended, then you could be charged with a felony. The penalties include receiving a fine of up to $5,000 and spending up to 5 years in prison.
- Habitual Traffic Offender – If you have three previous convictions on your criminal history record for driving while your license is suspended, then you could be classed as a Habitual Traffic Offender by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV), which means that your driver’s license can be revoked for up to 5 years.
- Hardship License – If you have been classed as a habitual traffic offender by the FHSMV, then you will be unable to apply for a hardship driver’s license for a year from the date of your latest conviction. However, if you immediately seek legal counsel from The Law Place following your charges, then we might be able to get your driver’s license back quicker.

Reasons for a License Suspension in the State of Florida
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles can decide to suspend your driver’s license based on a variety of reasons, such as:
- An accumulation of points on your record, which may have been assigned from other traffic violations, hence resulting in a license suspension.
- Being classed as a habitual traffic offender by the FHSMV.
- Failing to pay court costs or fines.
- Refusal of a driving under the influence (DUI) test.
- A drug-related conviction.
- An arrest or conviction for a DUI.
- Failing to appear in court.
- Failing to pay mandatory auto vehicle insurance.
- A conviction for petty theft.

Potential Defenses for Driving With a Suspended License
A criminal defense attorney from The Law Place will be able to develop a defense strategy based on the facts of your case. Some of the most common defense methods for driving with a suspended license include:
- You were unaware that your driver’s license was suspended.
- Your driver’s license was reinstated.
- You had good reason to believe that your driver’s license has been reinstated.
- Your vehicle is not classed as a ‘motor vehicle’ according to the Florida Statutes.
- You were not driving on a public highway.
- There are legal issues associated with the way your traffic stop was conducted by the law enforcement officer.
- You have evidence to prove that you were not the one driving.

Bradenton Driving With Suspended License Lawyer, FAQ
What are the consequences of driving with a suspended driver’s license in Bradenton?
Driving with a suspended driver’s license in Bradenton can lead to serious consequences, including driver’s license suspension for an extended period, fines, and potentially being charged with a second-degree misdemeanor. This can further impact your driving privileges and lead to additional legal complications.
Can I regain my driving privileges after a suspension in Bradenton?
Yes, it is possible to regain your driving privileges after a suspension, but the process can be complex. It typically involves satisfying the conditions of your suspension, paying any required fees, and possibly attending driving courses. Consulting with a criminal defense lawyer can provide guidance and help streamline the reinstatement process.
What should I do if I’m caught driving with a suspended license in Bradenton?
If you’re caught driving with a suspended license, it’s crucial to seek legal assistance immediately. Contact a Bradenton driving with a suspended license lawyer who can advise you on the best course of action and represent your interests in court.
How can a criminal defense lawyer help if I’m charged with driving on a suspended license?
A criminal defense lawyer can help by reviewing the circumstances of your case, advising you on your legal options, and representing you in court. They can negotiate on your behalf, work to reduce the charges or penalties, and aim to protect your rights throughout the legal process.
How can I schedule a free initial consultation with a Bradenton driving with a suspended license lawyer?
Scheduling a free initial consultation is simple. Contact our law office directly to set up a time to discuss your case with a qualified criminal defense lawyer. This consultation can provide valuable insights into your situation and help you understand the steps needed to address your suspended driver’s license issue.

Getting the Help You Need From a Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are facing charges for driving with a suspended license, then you might be feeling at a loss for what to do next. Fortunately, you can hire the services of a criminal defense attorney from The Law Place who can manage your case with skill and efficiency. It is possible that they may be able to amend your charge to a lesser offense, such as a no valid driver’s license charge.
In the event that the prosecutor is unable to prove that you were driving with a suspended license beyond any reasonable doubt, then we strongly advise that you take the case to trial. It is important that you have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side – from the very beginning to the very end of the case – as they will be able to help you avoid the trappings and mistakes of being involved in a case like this.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of combined experience in fighting traffic-related offenses and helping clients throughout the State of Florida. We have a skilled team of criminal defense lawyers who work tirelessly for each and every client that comes to us seeking help and advice for their individual cases. Our law firm has an in-depth understanding of the law surrounding driving with a suspended license, and we can guide you through the legal system.
If you decide to be represented by The Law Place, then a criminal defense attorney will get to work on investigating your case, gathering facts, negotiating with the prosecution, dealing with the necessary paperwork, and building a strong defense strategy to contest your traffic violation in Bradenton County.
Our law firm will work hard to fight your charges, whether that means getting them reduced or minimizing the severity of the consequences. Nonetheless, we will make sure that you achieve a favorable outcome for your case, and we will not settle for anything less than that.
If you are looking for the best legal advice, then you have come to the right place – The Law Place. Call us today to schedule a free consultation in which an experienced criminal defense attorney will discuss the facts of your case, explain the process to you, and offer you a piece of advice to help you in your current situation.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 to set up a free case evaluation, and we will fight your driving while license suspended charges together in Bradenton County.