A charge of being in possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams with the intention of delivering (also known as drug trafficking) is a very serious crime that carries harsh penalties in Bradenton and across the State of Florida.
If you are being accused of possessing over 10 grams of illegal drugs (which is considered excessive by the State of Florida) with the intent to sell or deliver, then you will face severe punishment. Possession of large amounts of illegal drugs could potentially result in a third-degree felony charge, which means that you could spend up to 30 years in prison and have to pay hefty fines. In this case, you will need to seek qualified representation from a reputable law firm like The Law Place as soon as possible.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of combined experience in fighting any and all drug crimes, which range from drug possession to drug manufacturing and trafficking. We have managed hundreds of cases exactly like yours for clients in Bradenton and throughout the State of Florida. Our law firm has seen and done it all, and we can offer you some experienced legal advice if you call our office today.
We have a dedicated team of Bradenton drug lawyers who will get to work on your case by conducting an investigation, collecting evidence and information, negotiating with the prosecutor, and building a strong defense strategy to fight your charges.
Call The Law Place today to set up a free consultation. Our phone lines are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. A drug crime lawyer will be waiting to take your call.
Contact us now at (941) 444-4444, and we will fight your delivery of illegal drugs over 10 grams charge together in Bradenton.
Delivery of Illegal Drugs in the State of Florida
Florida Statute 893.13 states that a person may not sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a controlled substance.
In other words, you could be charged with committing a first-degree felony, a second-degree felony, or a third-degree felony depending on the type of controlled substance that you have been accused of possessing with intent to sell or deliver. The levels of punishment will be determined based on the nature of the illegal drug that was in your possession.
A first-degree felony will always carry severe penalties. Even the least serious of these types of crimes could result in you spending up to 30 years in prison and paying up to $10,000 in fines.
If you are facing charges for attempting to deliver illegal drugs over 10 grams, then it is necessary that you contact a Bradenton criminal defense attorney who has knowledge of drug laws and can guide you through the legal system.

The Five Drug Schedules
There are five different categories (known as the five drug schedules) of controlled substances that the State of Florida has created and organized. The schedules define the dangerous and addictive nature of illegal drugs, according to the government.
For example, the most dangerous controlled substances are known as Schedule One drugs, and they will result in long sentences and large fines for drug possession. You could face a first-degree felony or a third-degree felony charge for being in possession of over 10 grams of a Schedule One controlled substance in the State of Florida.
More information on the five drug schedules:
- Schedule I – Drugs like LSD, meth, crack cocaine, and heroin are recognized for being the most dangerous drugs in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction. These have no recognized medical use.
- Schedule II – Drugs like cocaine, methadone, OxyContin, methamphetamine, and Adderall are recognized for being the second most dangerous in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction. Drugs from this schedule and lower have accepted medical uses and, in some cases, can be prescribed.
- Schedule III – Drugs like steroids, ketamine, and substances with less than 90 milligrams of codeine are recognized for being the third dangerous in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction.
- Schedule IV – Drugs like Tramadol, Valium, and Xanax are recognized for being the second least dangerous in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction.
- Schedule V – Drugs like Lyrica, Motfen, and substances with less than 200 milligrams of codeine are recognized for being the least dangerous in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction.

Types of Drug Charges in Bradenton, FL.
There are many different types of drug charges that you could face, which includes the following:
- Drug possession – An act of possessing a controlled substance could be classed as constructive possession or actual possession.
- Drug selling – An act of selling a controlled substance.
- Drug manufacturing – An act of manufacturing a controlled substance (for example, a grow house for marijuana or a meth lab)
- Drug trafficking – An act of drug trafficking a controlled substance will usually refer to large amounts of illegal drugs or narcotics. A mandatory minimum sentence will apply to a drug trafficking offense.
- Drug paraphernalia – An act of being in possession of drug paraphernalia, which includes any material or device which is used for the cultivation, ingestion, inhalation, storage, sale, production, compounding, planting, propagation, concealment, or transportation of any controlled substance.

Elements Required to Prove Possession of Illegal Drugs With Intent to Sell or Deliver
There must be proof or evidence to show that you had the intent to sell or deliver any type of controlled substance in the State of Florida. The main elements that must be proven to convict you of selling, purchasing, manufacturing, delivering, or being in possession of illegal drugs include:
- You were in possession of a controlled substance, and you held the intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver the controlled substance.
- The substance was classed as an illegal controlled substance under the Florida Statutes.
- You were fully aware of the nature of the controlled substance.
“Sell” refers to something that an individual intends to deliver or transfer to another individual in exchange for or with the promise of cash or something else that is considered valuable.
“Possession” refers to an individual who has control or authority over a controlled substance.
Florida law enforcement will have to prove these following elements to show that you had the intention to sell or deliver:
- You possessed large quantities of cash (for example, cash was found on you, in your house, or in your car – close to the location of the drugs).
- Law enforcement found packaging materials close to the location of the drugs (for example, baggies).
- Law enforcement found drug paraphernalia on you, in your house, or in your car (for example, they discovered scales, mixing devices, rolling papers, testing kits, or balances).
- Law enforcement found weapons in your possession.
- Other people notified law enforcement that you held the intention to purchase, sell, deliver, or manufacture.
- Law enforcement found large quantities of controlled substances that were enough to imply the intent to sell or deliver.

Possible Defenses Against Your Drug Charges in Bradenton, FL.
It can be assumed that possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams could easily result in the delivery of the illegal drugs in Bradenton. The punishments are severe for being caught delivering illegal drugs over 10 grams. However, a skilled criminal defense attorney from The Law Place will be able to help you and offer assistance. Our criminal defense lawyers are highly trained and well-versed in fighting drug crimes across the State of Florida with great success.
The Law Place understands that every case is unique, and our criminal defense lawyers are aware of the complexities that exist with every drug crime.
Here are some common defense strategies that we use when it comes to battling drug crimes, whether it is drug possession, drug trafficking, or delivery of illegal drugs:
- The law enforcement officers used methods of entrapment.
- The illegal drugs did not belong to you.
- There were flaws to the methods that the law enforcement officers used in identifying the illegal drugs.
- Law enforcement came into possession of evidence to charge you with drug possession and delivery in an unlawful manner.
- You have been misidentified as another person who possessed and attempted to deliver illegal drugs over 10 grams.
- The search warrant used by law enforcement was invalid or was not to search and seize.
- The illegal drugs were incorrectly weighed and calculated.
If you decide to hire The Law Place to handle your case and represent you in court, then a criminal defense lawyer will be able to find the facts and examine the circumstances surrounding your drug crime in Bradenton. They will be able to work out the best defense strategy to fight for your legal rights and defend your future, no matter what.
The Law Place will give you the best chance of succeeding in your case by reducing the charges and minimizing the severity of the consequences – or even by getting the case dismissed altogether.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you are being accused of possessing and delivering illegal drugs over 10 grams in Bradenton, then you will need the skills of a drug crime lawyer to get you through. The State of Florida is one of the strictest states in America when it comes to drug laws, and there are severe punishments in store for those who have committed drug crimes.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of collective experience in fighting drug crimes and helping clients all over the State of Florida to beat their drug-related charges. Our practice areas cover all kinds of drug crimes from possession, purchase, delivery, manufacturing, selling, and drug trafficking.
The sooner that you decide to hire The Law Place, the sooner we can get to work on securing a reasonable outcome for your case. Our team of criminal defense lawyers has an in-depth awareness of the law on drugs, and they will be able to tailor a defense strategy specifically for your unique case.
Call our office today to set up a free consultation. Phones lines are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. A drug crime lawyer will look forward to hearing from you.
Contact us now at (941) 444-4444, and we will fight your delivery of illegal drugs over 10 grams charge together in Bradenton.