T-bone car accidents are also known as side-impact collisions in the State of Florida. T-bone collisions are some of the most fatal kinds of motor vehicle accidents that occur in Florida. They frequently cause severe injuries, and in the most serious instances, they can cause death.
A T-bone car accident is different from other kinds of car accidents because the only thing protecting a person from the colliding vehicle is a thin vehicle door and window. It is therefore unsurprising that T-bone accidents often result in severe injuries.
If you or someone you dearly love has been a victim of a T-bone car accident, you need to contact a personal injury lawyer immediately. The sooner a lawyer can get to work on your car accident case, the greater the chance you have of winning the compensation you deserve. At The Law Place, our lawyers have over 75 years of combined experience. Our experienced personal injury lawyers have helped countless clients receive the justice they deserve following an accident, and they can help you too. No matter the type of car accident in your case, you should call us today to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Our main office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us now at (941) 444-4444.
What Does It Mean When You Get T-Boned?
T-bone car accidents derive their name from the “T” shape that is formed after the impact of two vehicles. They occur when the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle. These car accidents are also known as side-impact collisions. It is unsurprising that these accidents cause such severe injuries and damage, considering how vehicles in these cases collide.
A T-bone car accident will often occur at an intersection. They tend to happen when a driver fails to yield to another vehicle after ignoring a stop sign or after a driver runs a red light. Another major cause of a T-bone collision is when a driver exercises bad judgment on a green traffic light when making a left turn.
Anyone can cause a T-bone accident. They occur more regularly than you may believe. If you or a loved one has been injured in a T-bone collision car crash, you may be entitled to compensation, no matter who caused the accident.
Is It Your Fault if You Get T-Boned?
Determining fault in a side-impact collision accident is not easy. All cases vary greatly, and there are many different causes of T-bone accidents. If you are a victim of a car accident, you should contact a personal injury attorney. They will be able to help you determine who the party at fault in your case is. If you think that you may be partially responsible for the T-bone collision, do not worry! The best thing that you can do is contact one of our lawyers. Even if you are found to be partially at fault for the T-bone car accident, you will still be entitled to some kind of compensation. This is because the State of Florida abides by the rule of comparative negligence.
What Do I Do if I Think I Am at Fault?
As we have already established, determining fault in T-bone car accidents is tricky. If you think that you may be partially at fault for your T-bone collision, do not worry! You will still be able to recover compensation for your injuries and damage sustained. However, if you think you may be partially responsible for the accident, there are a few things that you should do:
- Do not discuss fault at the scene of the T-bone car accident.
- Do not admit fault to any insurance companies.
- Contact a reputable law firm immediately to seek honest legal advice and guidance.
Who Is at Fault in an Intersection Accident?
Most of the time, T-bone car accidents will occur at intersections. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), this is because it is common for drivers to misjudge and make incorrect assumptions about what another driver will do next. For example, a driver may assume that they have the right-of-way when they do not. As a result of this misjudgment, one driver may enter an intersection into oncoming traffic when another driver was not expecting them to.
There are many causes of T-bone accidents. Some of the most common are listed below.
Left-Turn Accidents
A left-tune accident can happen at an intersection and can be the fault of either of the drivers involved in the side-impact collision. For instance, a driver making a left turn may believe that the red light has changed to green when it has not. When the driver then moves to make the left turn, they will be pulling out into the way of a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction that is following their green light.
However, in other instances, the other driver can be at fault. For example, the driver making the left turn may have the green light, and it is the driver traveling in the other direction who believes they have a green light when they have actually missed their red light.
Regardless of who is at fault for the T-bone crash, the damage and injuries suffered will likely be severe. Especially as T-bone accidents typically occur at high speed.
Running a Red Light
In a T-bone car accident of this nature, two cars will be driving perpendicular to one another. Both will believe that they have the green light, and both will assume they have the right of way. Tragically, this often results in both cars running and full speed and colliding with one another. The driver who missed their red light will be responsible for the T-bone collision. The damage caused in a high speed, running a red light car accident will typically be catastrophic. Unfortunately, many innocent citizens will lose their lives in these T-bone collisions.
Running a Stop Sign
A T-bone accident can also occur at a four-way stop. However, these are rarer. This is because one or both of the cars will typically come to a complete stop before entering the intersection. This stop, therefore, gives the drivers enough time to understand their surroundings and make a judgment about what will happen next.
The most typical kind of T-bone collision in the State of Florida involves one car that has a stop sign and another that has no traffic control device. In these incidents, it is very clear to determine who is at fault. According to Florida Statute 316.123, the driver that had the stop sign will be at fault because they did not have the right of way. If you are unsure who is at fault in your T-bone collision case, you should contact our law firm today for a free consultation. A car accident lawyer from The Law Place will be able to help you.
Who Is at Fault if There Is No Intersection?
A T-bone accident will not always occur at an intersection. In some cases, they will occur when there is no intersection at all. In accidents that occur away from the intersection, the driver who makes the crossing into the roadway will usually always be at fault because they will not have the right of way. Stated below are some instances where a T-bone car accident can occur away from an intersection.
Leaving a Parking Lot
When a car is leaving a parking lot, they will be responsible for ensuring that traffic is clear in both directions before crossing a street. It is critically important that drivers who are not aided by traffic control devices are extra cautious about their manoeuvers. When a car decides to cross the street after leaving a parking lot, it will cause a T-bone car accident if they do not sufficiently check for oncoming traffic.
Making a U-Turn Across Traffic
Making a U-turn can be dangerous. A driver must check their surroundings thoroughly before making such a manoeuver. If they are reckless, they could cause a side-impact accident. This is because if a car does not recognize incoming traffic, it may pull out and get hit on its side. In a T-bone car accident of this kind, the driver making the u-turn will be at fault.
What Should I Do Immediately After Suffering a T-Bone Accident?
Suffering a T-bone accident at an intersection can be incredibly scary and harmful. If you are ever involved in an accident of this nature, the first thing you need to do is ensure the safety and health of yourself and your fellow passengers. If you can do so, move yourselves to a safe place. Ideally, it would be good to move away from the intersection. It is important that you then call the police. All of the parties involved should exchange contact information.
It would also be a good idea to try and document the scene as well as you can. To do this, try and take photographs and videos of the scene as well and as safely as you can. It would also be wise to try and gather the contact information of any witnesses of the collision.
Once everyone has sought medical attention, it is then important to begin determining who the party at fault may be. You should also contact an attorney after your collision. An attorney will be able to investigate your case and help start your journey to compensation.
How Much Is T-Bone Accident Settlement?
Every T-bone car accident case in the State of Florida varies greatly, and therefore, there is no such thing as an average settlement for an auto accident of this kind. However, a T-bone crash will typically result in a great deal of damage and destruction. Therefore, the accident settlements for accidents of this kind will typically be greater than an average car accident case.
Many factors can determine how much you could achieve in a settlement for your accident injury after experienced a T-bone accident. Some of these include:
- The severity of your injuries.
- The amount of property and vehicle damage sustained.
- Your insurance company policies.
- The insurance company policies of the driver at fault.
What Are Typical T-Bone Accident Injuries?
If you have been involved in a T-bone accident, you must seek medical attention immediately. Please do not worry about medical bills. A car accident attorney at our law firm will be able to recover these costs for you later. Your health is paramount, and seeking medical attention from a medical professional should be your top priority.
In a T-bone accident, the driver and passengers that get hit on their side will more than likely suffer the most severe injuries. The driver and passengers that collide with the vehicle head-on will experience many of the vehicle’s built-in safety features, such as seat belts, airbags, and crumple zones. The people in the car hit on its side will not benefit from any of these. The only thing they have to protect them is their door and window.
Some of the most typical injuries sustained in a T-bone accident include:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord injury.
- Head injury.
- Neck injury.
- Crushed and amputated limbs.
- Internal bleeding.
- Internal organ damage.
- Broken bones and fractures.
Who Determines Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?
If you are trying to establish who is at fault in your T-bone accident case, it is important to be aware that Florida is a no-fault state. Florida uses personal injury protection (PIP) insurance to protect accident victims.
This means that, regardless of who the driver at fault is, if you have suffered an accident injury, you will be seeking compensation from your own insurance company. You will not be seeking compensation from the insurance company of the driver at fault. In many car accident cases in Florida, determining fault is beside the point. However, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary to determine fault. In catastrophic car accidents that have caused an immense amount of damage, establishing the party at fault is important.
Several parties will take the task upon themselves to determine who is at fault for a side-impact car accident. The police will investigate the case, as will the jurors and car accident attorneys. If you have suffered a T-bone type of car accident and want help establishing who is at fault, contact us today for a free case evaluation. A car accident lawyer at our law firm will be able to offer you some legal advice and will be able to briefly examine your case.
Who Can Be Blamed for My T-Bone Collison?
As we have already established, the chances are that the driver of another vehicle could easily be at fault for your T-bone collision. However, there are a few more parties who could be at fault for your collision and injuries. These are stated below.
Car Manufacturers
Sometimes a T-bone collision may be the fault of a faulty car part. For instance, if a vehicle’s brakes or accelerator malfunctions, they can cause a collision. It is rare for a car manufacturer to assume full responsibility for a T-bone car accident caused by a faulty part. This is because if a person has failed to keep up with their vehicle’s maintenance, it would be unfair to blame a car manufacturer for an accident. Nevertheless, a car manufacturer can sometimes be partially at fault for a T-bone accident.
Road Engineers
In some cases, neither driver will be at fault. Sometimes, the street design will be at fault and designed dangerously. For example, a faulty traffic light can consequently cause a T-bone accident. This is why road engineers must constantly keep up with road works. Insufficient road signs and malfunctioning traffic control devices can be deadly.
Outside Distractions
It is also possible for a third driver who is not involved in the collision to cause the accident. This happens when a driver swerves or startles another road user. A reckless driver will force a driver to take avoiding action, and in doing so, they may collide with another vehicle in a T-bone accident. These accidents are troublesome. If the initial reckless driver flees the scene, it can be difficult to prove the innocence of the driver who made the collision. These accident cases heavily rely on witness statements.
What Can a Personal Injury Attorney Do for Me?
A car accident attorney at The Law Place can do a great deal for you and your T-bone accident experience. We have helped countless clients achieve the compensation they deserve after suffering such an ordeal, and we can help you too. An attorney-client relationship at our firm is solid and built on a great deal of trust. We promise that if you seek our legal representation, we will fight for your case and will not stop until justice is reached. You should not have to suffer because of the recklessness of another vehicle.
There are a variety of things that a T-bone accident attorney at our law firm can do for you, such as:
- Answer all of your questions and queries.
- Offer you some unbiased and honest legal advice.
- Investigate your car accident.
- Gather all of the necessary evidence, such as a police report, medical report, and more.
- Interview and gather statements from any witnesses.
- Handle all of the paperwork with insurance companies.
- Represent you in all settlement negotiations.
- Fight for your case in court.
What Could I Be Entitled to in Compensation?
If you have suffered a T-bone collision with another vehicle in the State of Florida, an experienced and reputable lawyer at The Law Place will be able to help you recover compensation to cover the following:
- Medical bills.
- Past, present, and future medical treatment.
- Pain and suffering.
- Property damage.
- Lost wages.
- Reduced earning capacity.
- Wrongful death.
- Loss of consortium.
- Much more.
Is It Worth Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney?
The decision to hire an attorney after suffering a T-bone accident is completely yours. You are well within your legal right to seek compensation on your own. Although you can act alone, we would strongly urge that you seek the help and guidance of a reputable lawyer. This is because, with the experience of a lawyer, you will be ensuring that you achieve the maximum amount of compensation you deserve. In some cases where victims chose to seek compensation alone, they will often be cheated of the true extent of compensation they are entitled to. This is because insurers will not feel the pressure to provide the full payout necessary.
Not only is it a good idea to hire an attorney so that you achieve the full amount of compensation that you are entitled to, hiring an attorney can ease you from all of the stresses and burdens you may be under. After suffering such a traumatic T-bone accident, the last thing you want to do is deal with insurance companies. By hiring an attorney, you will not have to worry about anything. You will be able to focus on your recovery and recuperation.
When Should I Seek Legal Help?
If you have experienced a T-bone accident in Florida, the sooner you contact a reputable lawyer, the better. This is because Florida has a strict statute of limitations. The law, as outlined under Florida Statute 95.11, states how injury victims only have four years to file a claim for compensation following their accident. Four years may seem like a very long time, but you will be surprised at just how quickly these years can pass. This is why we urge that you seek legal help as soon as you can after suffering a side-impact accident.
If you have tragically lost a loved one in a side-impact accident, we would like to share our very deepest condolences with you and the rest of your family. These accidents are simply awful. It doesn’t help either that the law only allows you two years to file a claim for wrongful death. If you or someone you love has suffered side-impact collisions, please contact us today for a free consultation. Time is literally against you.
Once these years have passed, you will be unable to ever claim compensation. Your case will be barred.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Attorney?
In the State of Florida, there is a widespread misconception that hiring an attorney is hugely expensive and unaffordable for most citizens. This is simply not the case. Hiring an attorney after suffering a T-bone accident is much easier than you may think. At The Law Place, we work on a contingency basis, more commonly known as a no-win-no-fee basis. This simply means that you do not have to pay us a dollar upfront. You will never face any surprise legal bills. All of our fees are deducted from the final settlement that we can successfully achieve for our clients. This is brilliant news for you because if we do not win you any compensation, you do not have to pay us anything! You, therefore, have nothing to lose by hiring an attorney.
Our contingency work is monitored by The State Bar Association. We abide by all of their rules and regulations strictly. You can trust that your case will be dealt with in safe hands at our firm. If you have any questions regarding our fee structure, please do not hesitate to give us a call. A member of our team will be more than happy to explain this to you in greater detail.
Contact The Law Place Today!
If you or a loved one has been a victim of a T-bone accident in Florida, you should contact the car accident lawyers at our law firm today. The sooner you act, the better.
An attorney-client relationship at our law firm is one of great commitment. We will offer you all the legal help you desire and do all that we can to ensure that you achieve the justice that you deserve from your insurance company and the driver at fault.
Our main law office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are always available to take your call. We have practice areas all across the State of Florida. Therefore, no matter where you have suffered your accident, we can help you. To schedule your free consultation with a highly experienced and reputable lawyer, call us now at (941) 444-4444.