Improper lane changes can be very dangerous. Changing lanes is considered improper or unsafe when the driver fails to perform the necessary safety checks before they change lanes. This can potentially lead to a car accident since the other road users expect certain behavior from each other according to the applicable traffic rules and regulations. The severity of the accident then depends on many factors, including the speed of both vehicles. All the people involved in the car accident can then sustain serious injuries. However, why should they pay the consequences of something they didn’t cause?
Have you or a loved one been involved in an improper lane change accident in Port Charlotte, Florida, that was not your fault? Then do not hesitate to reach out for help. You might be entitled to compensation. You don’t have to suffer the consequences of the accident on your own. Our skilled car accident attorneys can help you deal with your insurance company or file a personal injury lawsuit, if necessary. With us, you will get the legal support you need. You will have no reason to worry, so you will be able to focus on your recovery and spend time with your loved ones.
The Law Place is a respectable law firm with over 75 years of combined experience in Florida law. Our attorneys are experienced in many practice areas, including car accidents and personal injury. So, don’t hesitate and call us today for a free legal consultation. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (941) 444-4444.
What Does Improper Lane Changing Mean?
What does the term “improper” or “unsafe” lane change include? It refers mainly to the following situations:
- The driver fails to use the turn signals before changing lanes or turning.
- Two vehicles drive into the middle lane simultaneously and collide.
- The driver fails to check their blind spots.
- The driver doesn’t check the oncoming traffic before leaving their parking spot.
- The driver recklessly joins a highway and collides into the side of another vehicle.
What Are the Most Common Causes of an Improper Lane Change Accident?
The most common reasons why drivers make unsafe lane changes include:
- Driving under the influence (DUI) – In Florida, it is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs. Florida Statute 316.193 defines that a person is under the influence of alcohol if they have “a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or more grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood”. Driving under the influence is dangerous since it impairs the driver’s judgment and makes them make riskier decisions, like reckless lane changing.
- Distracted driving – A driver can be distracted by many things, including their mobile phone, eating, drinking, or talking to other passengers. This can easily lead to a car accident.
- Reckless driving – The driver might be angry, overconfident, or simply in a hurry, which can make them drive recklessly. Reckless driving includes tailgating, speeding, ignoring a traffic signal, but also improper lane changing.
- Poor visibility – Poor visibility and other external conditions can also lead to an unsafe lane change accident. Drivers should be extra careful when changing lanes in foggy weather or at night, and they should always adapt their driving to current conditions. If they fail to do so, they are responsible for any accident they cause.
- Erratic driving – Sudden changes of speed or lanes are very dangerous since other drivers cannot predict them. Erratic drivers almost always end up in car accidents.
These reasons may be understandable, but none of them is pardonable if it causes a car accident. And the negligent driver should pay the consequences of their actions. That is why it is so important to get strong legal backing. Firstly, it will ensure justice for you, and secondly, it will help prevent future offenses of the negligent party. Our attorneys have already handled many cases related to unsafe lane change accidents, so they will know how to handle yours. Do not hesitate and contact us today for a free consultation.
What Are the Most Common Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents?
Every car accident is different, and its severity varies a lot depending on many factors. However, some injuries are more common in traffic accidents than others. The most common include:
- Whiplash causing neck and back pain.
- Head injury.
- Spinal cord injury, which can lead up to paralysis.
- Internal bleeding and other internal injuries.
- Broken or fractured bones.
- Sprains, bruises, burns, and cuts.
- Wrongful death, in the most serious cases.
Apart from physical injuries, car accident victims often have to deal with mental health consequences too. The most common is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which can significantly affect their everyday lives. However, the good news is that if the accident wasn’t your fault, you are entitled to receive compensation for any damage or injuries sustained in it. Schedule a free consultation with our attorneys and learn more about your options.
What Damages Can You Claim Following an Improper Lane Change Accident?
- Medical bills – You can receive reimbursement for all your medical expenses related to the injuries sustained in the accident. This includes the cost of your treatment and medication, but also any associated expenses, such as transportation.
- Property damage – You can receive this compensation if some of your valuables were damaged in the accident. This includes the expenses for the repair of your car but can also include the purchase of a new phone or laptop, for example.
- Lost wages – If your injuries prevent you from working or limit your earning capacity, you deserve to be compensated for it.
- Pain and suffering – These damages are designed to compensate you for your physical discomfort or emotional distress caused by the accident, i.e., your pain and suffering. If you are going through PTSD or simply cannot enjoy your hobbies as you used to due to the collision, you should receive compensation for it.
- Loss of a loved one – In the worst case, a car accident can lead to wrongful death. If this happened to your loved one, we offer our deepest condolences. In this case, you should be entitled to compensation for funeral expenses, loss of family wages, and loss of consortium.
Have you found out that you might be entitled to one of these damages? Then do not hesitate and contact a skilled personal injury attorney. The fact that you are entitled to compensation doesn’t automatically mean that you will receive it. First, you need to claim them, and some of these damages, such as pain and suffering, are quite hard to prove. It is, therefore, necessary to have an experienced lawyer by your side. Call today for a free consultation with us and find out what we can do for you.
How Should You Deal With Your Insurance Company?
If you end up in any motor vehicle accident, you are obliged to inform your insurance company about it. You will find the exact details of this obligation in your insurance policy, but it is usually 24 hours. However, before you do so, we recommend you contact your personal injury attorney. They will advise you on how to answer the company’s questions in order to ensure the most favorable outcome for you. Insurance companies are known to try and devalue the client’s claim or offer a disadvantageous compensation under time pressure. Do not consent to anything on the spot and let your lawyer deal with it. At The Law Place, we have enough experience with these practices, so you will be in good hands.
How Much Time Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
The statute of limitations defines individual deadlines for filing different lawsuits. In the case of personal injury actions, the deadline is set to four years. For wrongful death, the deadline is shorter – only two years. After that, your case will be barred, and you will no longer be able to claim compensation for any damage or injuries sustained in the accident. You might think that four years is a long time, but it isn’t. Time flies faster than you realize, and there will be a lot of administration to deal with, so the sooner we get to work, the better. Therefore, contact The Law Place as soon as possible for free legal advice and case evaluation to avoid missing any deadlines.
What Can a Port Charlotte Car Accident Attorney Do for You?
You might think that an attorney cannot do much for you and that they will only charge you with no good outcome. The truth is that there are loads of things that professional attorneys can do for you. Bellow, we list just some of the examples:
- We will answer all your questions and provide you with professional legal advice.
- We will conduct a thorough investigation of your case – our people will examine the site of the accident, interview all witnesses and gather all the relevant evidence.
- We will determine what damages you are entitled to claim and how high your settlement should be.
- We will provide you with professional legal representation in negotiations with insurance companies.
- We will manage all the administration associated with your case.
- If you decide to take your case to court, we will provide you with strong legal representation and backing and will tirelessly fight for your rights.
How Much Will a Port Charlotte Car Accident Attorney Cost You?
We understand that you might be concerned about the cost of our legal services. You might think that you can waste a lot of money and still lose the case. Well, you don’t have to worry about that with us. Our attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that we don’t get paid unless we win a settlement for you. This is a common procedure monitored by the Florida State Bar Association.
Call The Law Place Today for a Free Consultation
Have you been involved in an accident caused by an unsafe lane change in Florida that wasn’t your fault? Then contact our law firm as soon as possible. You will be surprised how much of a difference a skilled attorney makes in car accident cases. You can schedule a free consultation with us at our Port Charlotte office, but also at any other of our branches all around Florida. So, don’t hesitate and call us at (941) 444-4444.