Vehicle accidents, including Amazon delivery truck accidents, are some of the most dangerous accidents that can happen on the roads of Venice, Florida. If you or a loved one has been involved in an amazon delivery truck accident, then you may want to claim compensation. You can claim compensation for many different things following a truck accident. It might be that you have sustained injuries, physically or mentally, and want compensation to help deal with your medical bills. Or, you may need to claim compensation for damages to your personal belongings that have been damaged or lost due to the accident. In any of these cases, to ensure you get the best possible outcome out of your case, we recommend hiring a personal injury lawyer who has experience with traffic accident cases.
The Law Place is a law firm who have many skilled and professional lawyers in their dedicated team in Venice, Florida, that want to help you with your case. We have over 75-years of combined experience and offer a free legal consultation for any case. The free consultation will allow you to talk freely about your case and get some specific advice. So what are you waiting for? For more information, contact us at (941) 444-4444 today! Phone lines are open 24/7.
What Makes an Amazon Delivery Truck Accident so Likely?
Amazon delivery drivers are in demand. Next-day delivery has become such an expected feature that delivery drivers are often working day and night to get packages delivered as quickly as possible. This creates more situations in which amazon delivery truck drivers may cause an accident on the roads.
Corporate negligence is something that every truck accident lawyer at The Law Place knows about, and this negligence can be the main reason behind many Amazon delivery truck accidents. Below are a few examples of how trucking company corporations may potentially be causing accidents.
Amazon has such a large fleet of vehicles that they might cut corners when it comes to maintenance. This increases the likelihood of a malfunction and, therefore, a truck accident. Furthermore, negligent employers might skip red flags in the hiring process due to the high demand for truck drivers. This might mean hiring a driver with past drunk driving charges or even reckless driving. An unfit driver may cause more truck accidents on the road.
Amazon has payment schemes that encourage staff to cut down on breaks and sleep times to process their huge workload. This increases the risk of falling asleep at the wheel and therefore increases the likelihood of an accident. Some of these schemes also include more corner-cutting, such as not strapping down heavy goods properly in the truck and spending no time route planning.
There are also plenty more problems across the board when it comes to the delivery industry and how truck drivers are treated, and when people in the industry cut these corners for more profit, they are creating more dangerous situations for everyone on the road. That’s why, if you’ve been involved in a truck accident, it’s essential to seek legal counsel. Contact The Law Place and schedule a free consultation today.
Why Are Truck Accidents so Dangerous?
Truck accident cases are known to usually be disasters. It’s not the same as a car accident case due to the weight and size of the trucks on the road, so they can create catastrophic accidents resulting in serious bodily harm or even fatalities. The number of factors for why they are so dangerous is extensive, but here are a few reasons:
- The bulk and size of these trucks increase the chances of the truck affecting more than one car. If these trucks get out of control, they can very easily plow through multiple cars.
- The size of an Amazon delivery truck makes it difficult for the driver to see other vehicles. These blind spots can make it easier for the driver to cause a truck accident.
- Due to the trucks having such large cargo, they can create a lot of dangerous debris on the road. Many victims have suffered serious injuries due to hitting debris at speed without colliding with a truck.
If you have been unlucky enough to be involved in a truck accident, then please contact The Law Place for a free consultation. We have experienced personal injury lawyers who have daily experience with truck accidents, and we will fight for maximum compensation.
What Compensation Can I Claim Following a Truck Accident?
There are a lot of different specifics on what you can claim for following any road accident. Some examples include:
- Property damage – If the truck accident damaged your property, such as your car or possessions within your car, then you can claim compensation for those damages.
- Medical bills – One of the worst parts about road accidents that aren’t your fault is the stress that comes from the medical bills for injuries caused by another. We can help you claim compensation for these injuries so that you don’t have to worry about expensive bills for potentially serious injuries.
- Lost wages – If you are unable to go to work for any amount of time, you can get compensation to cover lost wages.
- Wrongful death – The worst-case scenario of any road accident is the fatality of a loved one. No amount of compensation will be able to make it easier, but you can put in for a wrongful death claim to help recover earnings lost by losing a loved one. These claims include funeral costs, loss of consortium, and any household income lost. More information on the technicalities can be found in Florida Statute 768.21.
If you need to claim for any of the above or have been in an accident with a truck driver and are unsure of what to claim for, contact The Law Place for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer today.
How Long Do I Have to Make My Claim?
As stated in Florida Statute 95.11, you can claim within four years of the accident. However, if you have decided to take this route, it will always be best to have an accident lawyer with you to help navigate the legal process in Venice, FL. Going in without a lawyer can massively affect the amount of compensation you might get. So, contact The Law Place today to help you get the maximum compensation you deserve.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been involved in an accident involving an Amazon delivery driver in the last four years, you should seek legal counsel from The Law Place. We can help you recover what you might have lost because of the accident such as, earnings, damages, and help toward medical bills.
Don’t fall prey to the tricks of your insurance company. Help yourself, and start your claim with a capable lawyer by your side. If you go in alone, you could accidentally reduce your own claim. A lawyer from The Law Place will have the experience needed to avoid this and help you get the most out of your case.
Benefit from our 75 years of combined experience today by calling (941) 444-4444. Phone lines are open 24/7.