In the State of Florida, car and truck accidents are commonplace, with approximately 400,000 crashes occurring every year, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.18-wheeler trucks are a frequent sight on the roads of Venice so truck accidents are also a common occurrence. The sheer size and weight of these vehicles can cause severe damage when involved in a traffic accident which can easily become fatal. Life-changing injuries and extreme property damage are just two of the lasting side effects that a truck crash can cause.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a truck crash that wasn’t your fault, then you need The Law Place. Our team of personal injury lawyers has the experience you need to take on large trucking and insurance companies. We are not afraid to negotiate with corporations so that our clients get the compensation they deserve. In the event that you are unhappy with your settlement offer, your truck accident lawyer will take your case to court, fighting for you every step of the way.
We offer a free consultation service that allows our team to advise you on the best steps to take with impartial legal advice. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that you always have someone to call. Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today at (941) 444-4444.
Uses of 18-Wheelers
Also known as semi-trucks or lorries, 18-wheelers are large vehicles used to transport goods over long distances. The design of these trucks means that huge quantities of cargo can be distributed over the wheels, allowing for heavy items to be easily exported and imported. Furthermore, these trucks can travel up steep roads with ease, even while fully loaded. 18-wheelers are commonly seen on the highways of Florida, as well as in residential and built-up areas.
The weight of an 18-wheeler will differ depending on its load but will undoubtedly weigh tonnes. Therefore, it is easy to understand why the results of a truck crash involving an 18-wheeler can be catastrophic.
If you are facing the aftermath of a truck accident, then you may be looking at mounting medical bills, loss of income, and an inability to enjoy your life. The advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you to get your life back on track. At The Law Place, we understand that you may feel like you are facing the impossible. That is why our attorneys take on all the paperwork and communication with insurance companies, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Reasons for Truck Collisions
18-wheeler truck accidents can be caused by many different circumstances. The following is a list of common causes of truck accidents in Venice, FL.:
- Distracted driving – There are many distractions that can avert a driver’s attention from the road ahead. The use of cell phones, both texting and talking, leads to thousands of car accidents annually across America. Other examples of distracted driving are checking your appearance, changing the radio, and talking to passengers in your vehicle. Taking your eyes off the road for even a split second can result in severe injuries for everyone involved.
- Poor weather conditions – Driving during heavy rain or fog will obscure visibility and make it difficult to see oncoming traffic. It is also extremely important to switch on your lights in such weather, increasing your chances of being seen.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs – Being caught operating a vehicle whilst driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense. Impaired judgment and a lack of caution are just two of the dangerous side effects that these substances can have. Many truck accidents are caused by drivers who under the influence due to their slow reaction time and consequent loss of control over their vehicle.
- Tiredness – It is not uncommon for truck drivers to work over the lawful period for which they are allowed to drive. Trucking companies often expect their drivers to ignore regulations in order to transport loads more quickly and make more money. This leaves many drivers behind the wheel of a large vehicle whilst suffering from fatigue, potentially leading to serious truck accidents.
- Trucking company negligence – There are many regulations in place to ensure that trucks are as safe as possible when on the road. However, profit-driven companies tend to ignore some of these regulations with money in mind. Over-loaded trucks, inefficient vehicle repairs, and under-trained drivers are all areas in which a trucking company may have broken its duty of care.
- Dangerous driving – If the driver responsible for your accident was speeding, driving recklessly, or driving aggressively, then they may be found guilty of dangerous driving.
- Vehicle malfunction – Sometimes, a truck accident is caused by an unfortunate mechanical malfunction. Broken brake lights and tail lights are just two of the ways a severe accident can happen.
The details of what defines negligence are set out under Florida Statute 768.81. The investigation of your truck accident attorney will seek to find the party responsible for your accident and provide evidence that shows they did not meet their duty of care, making them liable for your damages.
If you know someone who has suffered injuries in a truck accident, then contact The Law Place today to schedule a free case evaluation. Our team will review the details of the case and help you to determine who is responsible for the suffering you have faced.
Potential Injuries From an 18-Wheeler Truck Accident
There is a potential for truck accidents to cause severe injuries to everyone involved. The injuries you may sustain can be anything from minor bruising to life-altering and permanent disabilities, for example:
- Soft tissue damage – This is when muscles, ligaments, and tendons are damaged on impact. The results are often pain, bruising, swelling, and a loss of function.
- Neck or spine injuries – Rear-end crashes often cause whiplash or back injuries to those in the front car. Some serious spinal injuries can lead to permanent damage and leave the victim with chronic pain or paralysis.
- Organ damage – Truck accidents can cause a huge impact on the other vehicle, which may lead to internal injuries. Bleeding and bruising of the organs can be life-threatening.
- Head injury – Brain damage, traumatic brain injury, and skull fractures are all examples of potential head injuries that can be sustained from heavy impacts. The results of these can leave the victim in a coma and potentially lead to death.
- Broken and fractured bones – These injuries have a long recovery time and often lead to some kind of loss of mobility during the healing period. This loss may impact your ability to work, look after your children, and practice hobbies.
- Wrongful death – In a worst-case scenario, a severe truck accident can be fatal for the victims involved. Florida Statute 768.21 outlines the regulations surrounding wrongful death.
If you have been involved in a truck accident in Venice, FL., and are now suffering from injuries, you need a truck accident lawyer from The Law Place. We understand the frustration you must be feeling at the impact that this has had on your life. That is why we are so passionate about helping our clients get the justice they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys.
What Steps to Take Following a Truck Accident in Venice, FL.
- Get to safety – If you are able to, move to a safe place away from the crash site and out of the path of oncoming traffic. If there are others around you who can be moved without causing further injury, try to do so.
- Call the emergency services – The next step to take is to call 911. The police are required to attend the scene, collect witness statements, and arrange potential diversions for oncoming traffic. The police report will also be a helpful piece of evidence when making your claim later on. Ambulances will also be required in order to treat injured victims. In the event that the truck accident is severe, you may require the fire department to help anyone trapped in their vehicle.
- Collect evidence – Gathering evidence at the scene can be extremely helpful down the line. Your personal injury attorney will do their best to do this at a later stage, but the evidence at the scene will not be there forever. Take photographs of the crash site, making sure to get the details of the vehicles involved. Remember to get the name and contact details of any witnesses as well; they could be contacted for statements later on.
- Contact your insurance company – It is important to notify your insurance company of the crash, but keep the details to a minimum. Make sure that you do not disclose too much information about your injuries, as it is often used later on to lower settlement offers. Usually, you only have 24 hours to inform your insurance company that you have been in an accident. After the initial phone call, all communication can go through your truck accident lawyer.
- Contact a truck accident lawyer – Making sure you find the right lawyer can be the difference between getting a low settlement and one that fairly compensates you. Make sure to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when collecting evidence. Call The Law Place today for a free consultation.
Types of Compensation You May Be Entitled To
There are several types of compensation that you may be entitled to. Your personal injury lawyer will review your case and evaluate what factors you can claim for. For example:
- Loss of income – If you have suffered injuries, then you may have taken time off work. You can be compensated for the loss of past wages as well as potential future losses.
- Property damage – It is likely that your vehicle will have sustained damage during your car accident. You can recover the costs of its repair as well as the cost of damage to any personal items, such as your cellphone.
- Medical bills – The cost of medical bills can quickly become substantial, depending on your injuries. You can be compensated for all costs you have faced and the costs you will likely face in the future as you receive ongoing treatment and medication.
- Alterations to property – Some accidents may lead to necessary alterations being made to your home or vehicle in order to accommodate for your injuries, i.e., the installation of wheelchair ramps.
- Pain and suffering – This is the emotional, physical, or mental strain that your accident has caused on your life. Your attorney will be able to help determine whether you can claim for this. Your car accident may have also reduced your ability to enjoy your life to the fullest. Being unable to practice hobbies, exercise, or play with your children can all be compensated for under pain and suffering.
When you hire the representation of a Venice truck accident lawyer, they will complete an investigation in order to determine how much compensation you are entitled to. Your insurance company will also do the same, but their initial settlement offer will usually be low-ball. This is when your lawyer will negotiate a better offer on your behalf.
How Can a Truck Accident Attorney Help Me Make my Claim?
If you have been affected by a truck accident in Venice, FL., then you will need the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you navigate the complexities of Florida law. Without the advocacy of an attorney, insurance companies will try to intimidate you and offer you a lower settlement. Our team will correspond directly with your insurance company so that you never need to deal with their tactics.
Truck drivers are frequently accused of negligence following accidents in Venice. However, the negligence can potentially lie with a different party altogether, and in many cases, more than one party. Your lawyer will be able to determine who is liable for the injuries you have faced by thoroughly gathering evidence like:
- Police reports.
- Photographic evidence.
- Statements from witnesses at the scene.
- Statements from your friends and family to confirm your injuries.
- Medical bills and potential future medical bills you may face.
- Data from the EDR (event data recorder), or black box, that all trucks are required to have. This will show the speed, performance, and circumstances under which the truck accident occurred.
- Trucking company records showing the level of training the driver had received, the truck’s maintenance logs, and the number of hours the truck driver had been working at the time of the accident.
Contact The Law Place Today!
At The Law Place, we have over 75 years of combined experience in helping victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve. We pride ourselves on our strong attorney-client relationships and the positive reviews we have received. Plus, having represented hundreds of cases just like yours, we are confident that we will bring you the success and justice that you deserve.
We offer impartial and confidential legal advice to every client we work with. Plus, our free consultation service will allow you to express all queries or concerns before making a final decision. Don’t let the negligence of someone else affect your life any longer. Call us today at (941) 444-4444 and speak to a member of our team. Phone lines are open 24/7.